

The Choir

The Kurt-Thomas-Chamber-Choir is composed of ca. 40 vocally qualified singers and under the artistic direction of Three Kings Choirmaster Andreas Köhs predominantly performs choral literature of the 16th -18th centuries.

The name of the choir honours Kurt Thomas, who as Three Kings Choirmaster (1945-1957) helped church choral music to gain a high reputation.

Kurt Thomas Chamber ChoirSince its foundation by Choirmaster Andreas Köhs in the year 1995, the Kurt-Thomas-Chamber-Choir has pursued a concept of high sound quality and successfully performed numerous concerts, especially in the Three Kings Church of Frankfurt am Main.

They include the H-minor Mass, the St. Matthew's Passion, St. John's Passion, St. Mark's Passion, the Motet by Bach, Monteverdi's Maria Vesper and the Brahms Requiem in a new instrumentation by Bernhard Noll, himself a member of the Choir. Other projects were Handel’s oratorio “Messiah”, “Israel in Egypt”, “Judas Maccabaeus” and “Dixit Dominus”, Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day by Purcell and Handel, all oratorios by Mendelssohn, any a-cappella-programms “Magnificat”, H. Isaac's Missa de Apostolis, H. L. Hassler’s Missa octo vocum, F. Martin’s Mass, Rheinberger’s Missa, Poulenc’s Missa, Spohr’s Missa, Williams’ Mass, Lachner’s Mass, Schneider's Mass, Passions by Distler and Demantius, Requiems by Eybler, Mozart, Fauré and Howells, Psalms of David by Schütz, Isaac's Missa de Apostolis and Music by Thomas-Cantores: Hauptmann's Mass in f, op. 18, Schneider's Missa in a for Double Choir a cappella (1815), Penderecki’s Agnus Dei (1936), Nystedt's Missa brevis, op. 102, and other a cappella works by Northern European composers of the 20th and 21st centuries (Pärt, Miškinis, Ešenvalds,Vasks), among others.

Christmas is celebrated with Christmas motets in a traditional Christmas concert on second Christmas Day.

The Kurt-Thomas-Chamber-Choir rehearses project-related and by agreement.

Kurt Thomas (1904 - 1973) 

Kurt Thomas (1904 - 1973) 


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